About us:
At Accurate Grant Services we have excellent communication, editorial, research and fact-checking skills with an ability to tailor our writing to the guidelines specified by the grant-maker. At Accurate Grant Services we have a logical, analytical mind with a knack for storytelling and an ability to incorporate our research, including quantitative data, into the proposal narrative with a strong client focus.
Grant makers generally target their giving to one or more of the following areas whether they are NGOS (Non Government Organizations), Non Profit or for profit organizations. This is a sample of the most common giving opportunities.
Public policy
Social welfare
Housing and homelessness
Animal rights and welfare
Human rights
Arts and culture
Community development
International aid and development
Startups and small businesses (especially in minority communities)
We focus on the following components to be included in a proposal although some are tedious and time consuming; we feel this is what makes Accurate Grant Services stand apart from others.
The objective: one or two sentences stating the purpose of the project or program for which the organization is seeking a grant
The problem to be addressed, improved, or solved
The target population
Specific activities
Project timeline
Why the organization is qualified to execute the project, including
Its track record
Bios of key staff members and leadership demonstrating their expertise and competencies
A proposed budget
Results: specific outcomes that the grant-seeking organization expects to achieve by the end of the project timeline
Assessment: how the organization plans to monitor and asses effectiveness of its
Post Grant review
Often, the entire month’s data is rejected when a few awards have inaccurate administrative information due to incorrect or omitted entries in the application. In particular, your organization’s addresses zip code, zip+4 and organization’s legal name. If they are incorrect or omitted, the entire grant awards might be delayed. We take extra care when submitting grant applications to ensure accurate and complete administrative grant information.